A storefront with a sign that reads "iHelios LIVING REINVENTED" above the entrance. The door features additional signage promoting smart home and security automation products. The exterior is white with a black railing in front.
The mobile app with the thermostat
iHelios Warehouse
A modern brick house with warm lighting visible through large windows. The house features a black roof, black door with a green ribbon tied across it, and a small patch of artificial grass leading to the entrance. An air conditioning unit is installed on the right side.
Two panels show a motion detection system. On the left, a man plays with a child on a couch, activating human motion detection. On the right, a child sleeps under a blanket, activating human static detection. An app on a smartphone monitors the activity.
iHelios Reseller Demo Stand

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Smart Remote Control
A touchscreen monitor displaying a user interface for a self-checkout payment system is in focus. The screen shows various options including "Kids Menu" and "Total." The background is blurred, with visible lights and indistinct objects suggesting a restaurant setting.
Smart home devices are arranged on a white surface next to potted plants. The devices include a small camera on a stand, two round sensors, and a round clock. The background is minimalistic, featuring a white wall and green plants.
A hand pointing towards a fingerprint scanner on a sleek, black smart lock mounted on a gray door. The lock appears to have a cover sliding upward, partially revealing the fingerprint sensor and a small keypad.

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